Sunday, February 15, 2009

***My Poem with using adverb***

I walk slowly to meet you,
I nervously when I talk to you,
So, I take decision to quietly,
Suddenly, I get a one call urgently,
I stand up lazily to go away from he,
You look angrily with me,
But when I look back, he said carefully and reply thank you.
It's a sad lovingly to me,
for me it's a bad tragically memories...

1 comment:

  1. so sweet your poem..

    i only do in 5 line..
    but,you have more idea to create a poem only in few minutes..your poem quite interesting at first i hear in the's combination few combination of feeling- sad,love,and at last is care..
    can be it categorized under loving poem?

    it quite interesting and fun in our class if always have extra 'presentation' from the student..
    okeh..see you later
