Friday, March 20, 2009

WhAT kINd of MusiC tHAt YOu LikE?????

ehmm when we talk about music...of course it is the one of hot topic among the
teenagers like us...everybody have their own favourite music..slow pop,rock,r&b,malay version or korean song...for me i like slow pop most...when i heard that kind of music i feel very
peacefully and of course can release my tension..i think i cant live without music..even i want to study i'm still listen study while studying..
i dont think that listen the music while i'm study can disturb my focusing on study..
it can avoid me from feel sleepy during stdy..
so its depend on each individual to analyse wheither she can still focusing on study or not..


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. yes same with me tooo...
    i dont think music can distract my revision session
    but all this depends on what genre the music it is
    its not suitable if u play a hardrock while study
    u have a right choice to play slow music while study
    but dont study as slow as the music..hehehhe..

  3. same with me too...i like study n the same time i listen the 'balada' song.My favourite song is "jerat Percintaan"..Siti Nurhaliza so beautiful right? i like her..

  4. emmm...hey same like me... i also love to lissten to the music while i am studying....besides i stay at single listening to the music avoid me from feel sleepy....i also can release my tension ...and study very well...but sometimes....try to heard another genre of music that you never heard before...emmm...that's aa good try ...dont you think so????
