Sunday, March 1, 2009

Beautiful meaning


“When LOVE has struck the chord, no one can refuse to dance”
Help me to understand this word.

Chocolate will make you happy. The best medicine when you said”
It’s true because I love chocolate

“If the time is waiting….maybe she can go back without pass the rain.
If she waiting for the time, maybe she will escape from feeling of beautiful rain drop”
This word is I translate from Malay, it’s my translation is true?

“Silence is the hardest word. In silence, have 1000 meaning. In silence, have 1000 question. In silence, have 1000 answer. And in silence, have 1000 interpretation. In silence, people may say I LOVE YOU. And in silence people may also say we’re not suitable anymore. So what silence that you want?”
This also from Malay, please checks for me.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful” ~Albert Schweitzer~

“Its better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all” ~Alfred Lord Tennyson~

I post all this beautiful word because it has deep meaning.
Think about it.

Good luck!!!!