Saturday, April 11, 2009

under stress

I'm under stress.I worry about my final exam.I want to score well,but it seems like impossible for me."It's " seems like very very far from me. I have plan to study and use many method to make myself pay full attention on my study.But it's unsuccessfully.When I look at the "heap " of the notes that I have to study,I'm really fell heartsick.I'm regret why i'm always study last minute,and why i'm always regret at the last minute and never have a changes to it ?Sometime i'm really hate myself, I hate my attidute very very much........


  1. hello..aii..
    friends,don't stress like this,if you keep blame to yourself,you will not enjoy your life and study.I know study week is a time where students are under stress including me.There lots of syllabus that I'm not cover yet but I try to confident myself and I know you also can do it..believe yourself what are you doing and you will ok

  2. thank you for information,
    i think stress this is normal..
    in life..
    i hope you,smart in made choose...
    negative and positive..
    and don't stress my final exam..
    think positive..
    good luck..your exam......
