Friday, March 13, 2009

one advice from brother to his younger brother

assalamualaikum member of 2014 spirit.. i want to share with you all about one advice that
that i hear from one movie..

this advice from a brother to his younger brother..

read that..hehehe

If you want to be someone in life,
If you want to achieve something,
If you want to win..
always listen to your heart
and if even that doesn't give you any answer
close your eyes and think of your parent,
then you will cross all the hurdles
all your problem will vanish and
victory always be yours

*i'm sure you already hear this poem..from film??

bubye and see you again


  1. i think i ever heard this before..
    isn't from hindustan drama??
    kabhi kushinkabhi gam
    (p/s:i just punch this tittle)

  2. oooooo....goood advice actually...yeah we have to heard our "heart's speaking"....but sometimes....we have to consider about our environment...about others it our desicion can bring a benefit for us or not?....just think of it..daaa....

  3. yeah..i know it!!!..that film is 'KABHI KUSHI KABHI NGAM'..i like that film very was a saddest and also happier film..well sometimes we need to follow what our heart speak but sometime we should consider to others..its depends on people to analyse weather its good or not..for me sometimes we should willing to sacrifice or maybe try to be that people around us will happy too...
